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Friday, October 26, 2007

Proposed GM maize ban in Europe

Friends of the Earth Press release
Thursday 25 October 2007

Friends of the Earth has today welcomed the news that EU Environment
Commissioner Dimas is for the first time proposing to ban two types of
genetically modified (GM) maize because of the risks they pose to the
environment. The environmental group is urging the whole of the European
Commission to put environmental safety first and support the proposed

The two GM maize varieties (Syngenta's Bt11 and Pioneer/Dow's 1507) are
engineered to produce a toxin (commonly called Bt) that is poisonous to
certain insect pests. However, scientific studies show that these GM
maize are toxic to certain butterfly species and may also affect other
beneficial insects and have long term negative effects on soil health.

The proposal is apparently based on clear scientific evidence proving
that the cultivation of these two GM crops has the potential to cause
environmental harm. Commissioners Mandelson (Trade), Verheugen
(Industry) and Fischer Boel (Agriculture) are among a small group of
Commissioners that are expected to oppose the proposal and the
application of the precautionary principle to this case.

Several scientists have recently published studies showing that the
effects of GM Bt maize are far from predictable and that their potential
risk is greater then previously thought. These studies demonstrate that
the current EU risk assessment procedure is not able to evaluate the
risks posed by GM Bt crops.[2]

An announcement is expected shortly as to whether France will also ban a
Bt maize on similar environmental grounds.

In addition, during the World Trade Organisation dispute over GM
products, the EU had already argued that Bt crops should not be
currently grown because of the incomplete knowledge about their
long-term environmental impact. [3]

Friends of the Earth GM campaigner, Clare Oxborrow said:

"This is a major blow to the GM industry. For the first time there is a
European Commission proposal that GM crops should not be approved in
Europe - and crucially this relates to two maize varieties for
commercial growing. The Commission has raised serious concerns about the
environmental impact of growing these crops."


[1] See

[2] For example:

* Recent research shows that GM crops producing Bt toxins could
seriously affect aquatic ecosystems, since pollen and agricultural
wastes from Bt maize enter streams where they may become toxic to
aquatic life. This toxicity pathway for Bt toxins has not been
considered previously

* The level of Bt toxin produced by one of these GM varieties varies
strongly between different locations and between plants on the same
field. The reasons for these differences are not known. This raises
serious questions about the current capacity to assess the impact of Bt
toxins on the environment.

* Unexpectedly, another recent study found that one type of GM Bt maize
has significant higher amino acid levels compared to its non-GM
counterpart, which made it much more susceptible to aphid infestation.
Again this is another demonstration that Bt maize is subject to
unexpected and unpredictable negative effects.

(All references to the studies are available from Friends of the Earth)

[3] European Communities - Measures affecting the approval and marketing
of biotech products (DS291, DS292, DS293). Comments by the European
Communities on the scientific and technical advice to the panel. 28
January 2005. See Friends of the Earth summary:

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