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Monday, November 05, 2007

Dr. Helen Caldicott: 'On Star Wars, Space War & Death Merchants'

11 July 2001
"...there is a fifth dimension beyond NMD, and it is truly the most frightening.
The US Space Command, under the control of the US Air Force, is intent on dominating space. For years, under the romantic guise of space exploration, NASA has been mapping the planets, the moon and asteroids for rare minerals. Manned colonies planned for these bodies, powered by nuclear reactors, are to mine these deposits and return the minerals to the US.
If America invests heavily in space it must protect its investments and dominate it. To this end, the US Space Command is developing sophisticated technologies including anti-satellite weapons to disarm foreign military and commercial satellites; cyberspace warfare; and laser and particle beam weapons. In 1998, the US Space Command, in conjunction with 75 military industrial corporations, published a long-range plan with these basic goals:
1. To assure the means to get to space and to operate once there; 2. To surveil the region to achieve and maintain situational understanding; 3. To protect America's critical space systems from hostile action; 4. To prevent unauthorised access to, and exploitation of US/allied space facilities; 5. To negate hostile space systems that place US and allied systems at risk.
In other words, the militarisation of space. Not only does the US plan to wage war in space but it plans to "hold at-risk", "high-value Earth targets" with "near instantaneous force application". In English, that means the ability to target cities, and to kill millions of people, from space.
The Australian people would rise up as one if they understood the implications of these US plans and that our Government, in our name, is complicit in them..."

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